var pomelo = window.pomelo; var username; var users; var rid; var base = 1000; var increase = 25; var reg = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_\u4e00-\u9fa5]+$/; var LOGIN_ERROR = "There is no server to log in, please wait."; var LENGTH_ERROR = "Name/Channel is too long or too short. 20 character max."; var NAME_ERROR = "Bad character in Name/Channel. Can only have letters, numbers, Chinese characters, and '_'"; var DUPLICATE_ERROR = "Please change your name to login."; var reg_profile= /^profile(\d*)_(\d*)/; Date.prototype.Format = function(fmt) { var o = { "M+" : this.getMonth() + 1, "d+" : this.getDate(), "h+" : this.getHours(), "m+" : this.getMinutes(), "s+" : this.getSeconds(), "q+" : Math.floor((this.getMonth() + 3) / 3), "S" : this.getMilliseconds() }; if (/(y+)/.test(fmt)) fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (this.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length)); for (var k in o) if (new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(fmt)) fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (RegExp.$1.length == 1) ? (o[k]) : (("00" + o[k]).substr(("" + o[k]).length))); return fmt; } util = { urlRE: /https?:\/\/([-\w\.]+)+(:\d+)?(\/([^\s]*(\?\S+)?)?)?/g, // html sanitizer toStaticHTML: function(inputHtml) { inputHtml = inputHtml.toString(); return inputHtml.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">"); }, //pads n with zeros on the left, //digits is minimum length of output //zeroPad(3, 5); returns "005" //zeroPad(2, 500); returns "500" zeroPad: function(digits, n) { n = n.toString(); while(n.length < digits) n = '0' + n; return n; }, //it is almost 8 o'clock PM here //timeString(new Date); returns "19:49" timeString: function(date) { var minutes = date.getMinutes().toString(); var hours = date.getHours().toString(); return this.zeroPad(2, hours) + ":" + this.zeroPad(2, minutes); }, //does the argument only contain whitespace? isBlank: function(text) { var blank = /^\s*$/; return(text.match(blank) !== null); } }; //always view the most recent message when it is added function scrollDown(base) { window.scrollTo(0, base); $("#entry").focus(); }; // add message on board function addMessage(from, target, text, time) { var name = (target == '*' ? 'all' : target); if(text === null) return; if(time == null) { // if the time is null or undefined, use the current time. time = new Date().Format("MM-dd hh:mm:ss") } else if((time instanceof Date) === false) { // if it's a timestamp, interpret it time = util.timeString(new Date(time)); } //every message you see is actually a table with 3 cols: // the time, // the person who caused the event, // and the content var messageElement = $(document.createElement("table")); messageElement.addClass("message"); // sanitize text = util.toStaticHTML(text); var content = '' + ' ' + time + '' + ' ' + util.toStaticHTML(from) + ' says to ' + name + ': ' + '' + ' ' + text + '' + ''; messageElement.html(content); //the log is the stream that we view $("#chatHistory").append(messageElement); base += increase; scrollDown(base); }; // show tip function tip(type, name) { var tip,title; switch(type){ case 'online': tip = name + ' is online now.'; title = 'Online Notify'; break; case 'offline': tip = name + ' is offline now.'; title = 'Offline Notify'; break; case 'message': tip = name + ' is saying now.' title = 'Message Notify'; break; } var pop=new Pop(title, tip); }; // init user list function initUserList(data) { users = data.users; for(var i = 0; i < users.length; i++) { var slElement = $(document.createElement("option")); slElement.attr("value", users[i]); slElement.text(users[i]); $("#usersList").append(slElement); } }; // add user in user list function addUser(user) { var slElement = $(document.createElement("option")); slElement.attr("value", user); slElement.text(user); $("#usersList").append(slElement); }; // remove user from user list function removeUser(user) { $("#usersList option").each( function() { if($(this).val() === user) $(this).remove(); }); }; // set your name function setName() { $("#name").text(username); }; // set your room function setRoom() { $("#room").text(rid); }; // show error function showError(content) { $("#loginError").text(content); $("#loginError").show(); }; // show login panel function showLogin() { $("#loginView").show(); $("#chatHistory").hide(); $("#toolbar").hide(); $("#loginError").hide(); $("#loginUser").focus(); }; // show chat panel function showChat() { $("#loginView").hide(); $("#loginError").hide(); $("#toolbar").show(); $("entry").focus(); scrollDown(base); }; // query connector function queryEntry(uid, callback) { var route = 'gate.gateHandler.queryEntry'; pomelo.init({ host: window.location.hostname, port: 3014, log: true }, function() { pomelo.request(route, { uid: uid }, function(data) { pomelo.disconnect(); if(data.code === 500) { showError(LOGIN_ERROR); return; } callback(, data.port); }); }); }; $(document).ready(function() { //when first time into chat room. showLogin(); //wait message from the server. pomelo.on('onChat', function(data) { // code by heliang // console.log("onChat: " + data.msg); if(reg_profile.test(data.msg)){ return } addMessage(data.from,, data.msg); $("#chatHistory").show(); if(data.from !== username) tip('message', data.from); }); //update user list pomelo.on('onAdd', function(data) { var user = data.user; tip('online', user); addUser(user); }); //update user list pomelo.on('onLeave', function(data) { var user = data.user; tip('offline', user); removeUser(user); }); //handle disconect message, occours when the client is disconnect with servers pomelo.on('disconnect', function(reason) { showLogin(); }); //deal with login button click. $("#login").click(function() { username = $("#loginUser").attr("value"); rid = $('#channelList').val(); if(username.length > 20 || username.length == 0 || rid.length > 20 || rid.length == 0) { showError(LENGTH_ERROR); return false; } if(!reg.test(username) || !reg.test(rid)) { showError(NAME_ERROR); return false; } //query entry of connection queryEntry(username, function(host, port) { pomelo.init({ host: host, port: port, log: true }, function() { var route = "connector.entryHandler.enter"; pomelo.request(route, { username: username, rid: rid }, function(data) { if(data.error) { showError(DUPLICATE_ERROR); return; } setName(); setRoom(); showChat(); initUserList(data); }); }); }); }); //deal with chat mode. $("#entry").keypress(function(e) { var route = "chat.chatHandler.send"; var target = $("#usersList").val(); if(e.keyCode != 13 /* Return */ ) return; var msg = $("#entry").attr("value").replace("\n", ""); cnt_pers = 1 duration = 1 msg_cnt = cnt_pers * duration interval = 1000 / cnt_pers // code by hl if(reg_profile.test(msg)){ [temp, cnt_pers, duration, ...res] = reg_profile.exec(msg) cnt_pers = cnt_pers ? Number(cnt_pers) : 1 duration = duration ? Number(duration) : 1 msg_cnt = cnt_pers * duration interval = 1000 / cnt_pers alert("start profile cnt_pers:" + cnt_pers + " duration: " + duration); } console.log("send msg cnt: " + msg_cnt); for(var i=0;i